Tea varieties

Tea varieties

RateTea classifies teas in this category that are made exclusively from the tea plant; such teas are often called pure teas, unflavored teas.
Herbal tea

Herbal tea

RateTea classifies teas in this category that are made exclusively from the tea plant; such teas are often called pure teas, unflavored teas.
Tea culture

Tea culture

RateTea classifies teas in this category that are made exclusively from the tea plant; such teas are often called pure teas, unflavored teas.


We also classify flavored teas into different styles, include individual types of herbs, or blends.

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Rooibos Tea

Rooibos Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Earl Grey

Earl Grey

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Jasmine Tea

Jasmine Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Spiced Tea

Spiced Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.


Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Flavored Tea

Flavored Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.
Chamomile Tea

Chamomile Tea

Jasmine tea, in Chinese, is a scented tea produced by mixing the leaves of the tea plant with jasmine blossoms.



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